Friday 18 February 2011

Midmorning Hunt

Hello Hello :)

Hope your day has been nice. Mine has been sooo long. (Yes I realise my one follower is you, Tristan, and it was lovely to see you this afternoon home early. Congrats on passing your CA assessments xx)

Soo I feel like a zombie. I've had a few LARGE cups of coffee but nothing can shake the feeling of sleepy. It could have something to do with the fact I was in bed late, up in the middle of the night for a hungry baby, and early up. And of course a late shift at the day job.

But my seaglunking was GREAT. I got a few firsts. I found my first bottle stopper. I found my first totally intact kick-up. I also found a pretty patterned piece of glass that is kind of rose tinted. So all in all a good day at the beach. I say that but actually it kind of was a work out on the ole vocal pipes. The tide was coming in and Penguin (the collie dog) is pretty obsessed with waves. I know it isn't the best scenario when one is trying to make a living as a seaglunker. Yelling doesn't really work. After he gets about hmmm 50 metres he just can't hear me anymore. So unfortunately he had to be stuck on the lead. He is really bad on the lead because he pulls. So, I had that to contend with in addition to Gizmo plowing other dogs down and chasing seagulls.

My glass doesn't come by easy :) It is collected with love, enthusiasm, and possibly a bit of madness.

So all I want is a big glass of wine but alas there is no wine. So a cup of tea and a cuddle into the sofa with my knitting is what I'll have instead. 

G'night xx

-Seaglunker Sarah-

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