Monday 14 February 2011

Valentines on the Beach

Welcome and Hello!

I'm Sarah and this is my blog devoted to all things Seaglunking. I know you might not know what that is. I didn't either until about a week ago. A seglunker is one who wanders around beaches in search of sea glass, pottery, and other goodies. I sometimes refer to the other gumf that I find  "sea booty". I mean it in the pirate sense and not in the badunkadunk way.

Hopefully as my skills develope as a blogger I will be able to showcase some of my best finds here and where I found them and maybe even shots of me finding them. This of course won't be that easy because of the way I hunt for my beach treasures.

I am a full-time mommy of one amazing little girl who is nearly *gasp* one year old! I am also a fur mommy to two scroungy beach loving mutts. So you can imagine I certainly am not your typical leisurley seaglunker. With the baby snuggled nicely in her babyrucksack which happens to be on my ruck (the bodunkadunk meaning here) and two dogs chasing waves I sometimes get distracted from the sands and pebbles to tend to the needs of my little ones. This is often a harsh "no do not eat that!" followed by "oh crap I think he just ate a... ewwww"

So picture taking will be a challenge. I will try and appease you as and when I can manage such a task.

In the meantime, perhaps you can just take my word for it.

I think its awfully fitting that I should find what I found today. Today is Valentine's Day (as if that could escape your notice) and is full of love and romance and other nausiating things. Don't get me wrong I love receiving chocolates and flowers as much as anyone else so I'm really not complaining. Really. So with love on my mind I ventured out on what looked like a soggy morning. The rain had stopped by the time I got myself and the baby and the dogs all ready. It was actually sunny and warm and after the initial start to our walk where I picked up the poo from tall grass and shouted at the dogs not to run off, I actually took my gloves off.

Now if you are at all familiar with Scotland and specifically any beach pointed toward the North Sea, you'll know that on a bleak February day, venturing out without a hat, scarf, and gloves is just well plain bad for your health. But off the gloves came anyway and although I'm surprised I am quite pleased. I just hope that this is not a bad sign for more snowy days to come. So I felt slightly more comfortable, but not entirely as I still had 10 kilos (possibly more) strapped to my back and was sweating in akward places under the rucksack. The rucksack is one of those professional things you know that straps round your waste and over your chest so the weird places are really in weird places. I guess thats enough about the odd warm weather.

As I was wandering toward the quay letting the dogs run along the beach I felt inspired to pick up more bits of pottery. I usually pass up collecting the red clay pottery but I just felt like I should snag some today. To my surprise hiding under one of the larger pieces of pottery was a beautiful light blue glass heart (light blue is a fairly rare colour for me). It was a flawless piece (that means it didn't have any chips or glossy places) of seatumbled glass. Yippee!

The reason I collect glass is two-fold. Firstly, I love it. I feel like a right pirate or gypsy or hippy or whatever you want to call me. I love shiney objects and I love the thrill of the chase. (All these qualities will undoubtedly make me a very good fisherwoman as and when I am ready to take up fishing as a hobby) Anyway the second reason is to sell my goodies on to the artisans of the world and see them made into something even more beatiful. Ok there is a third reason, I am also one of these creative types  making little trinkets and DIY jewellry as well.

So you can say I have mixed feelings what to do with this beautiful little heart. I know I couldn't really do it justice if I decided to make something with it but I do love a challenge and would like to try. But I also know that there are artisans out there who would love to have it for themselves to make something truly special with it. What to do? Luckily I don't have to make a decision about it right away as I've just set up my Etsy shop and have lots of other things to list first.

Speaking of my etsy shop if you'd like to visit it the address is There isn't anything up just now but as I've only had internet installed... today (I know today is the day!) it will be just a wee while longer before I put anything up. You'll just have to steady your anticipation for just a bit more.

So this is to be the first of many blogs about my seaglunking adventures. Its likely to be a good read with babies and dogs involved so stay tuned in. Remember to keep your eyes to the ground as you never know what's glunking around.

-Seaglunker Sarah-

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